Co-operatives in Northern Uganda have invited Six Canadian Co-operative Association volunteers to help them measure their enterprises against international standards using CCA’s Development Ladder Assessment Tool (DLA). Follow Linda Archer’s exciting account of their 2-week mission working side-by-side with Ugandan co-operators as they plot the path forward for their co-ops and credit unions. The result is a snapshot of how the co-op is doing - and a set of benchmark scores for measuring progress as they grow their co-operative enterprise.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Even more photos

Our work here is done for now - a group picture with their sign.  You'll notice reference to both UCA and CCA.

SURENET SACCO, our next cooperative and luckliy they're located on a main paved road.

On the way back to came across someone selling sugar cane.  I'm walking with Anna from CCA and John, a CCA intern who's working on a project to assess the affects of climate change and to assist farmers with their farming techniques.  

The SURENET SACCO premises where we met.  These premises were better than most.  The blue couch that you see was in lieu of repayment of a delinquent loan as well as several bags of ground nuts (a type of peanut) in the back room which you can't see. 

The board and manager hard at work.

This is a picture of Rose, a retured teacher who is on the board for SURENET.  Another example of gender representation.

This is a picture of people selling produce to the passengers on a passing bus.

This was typical and we felt lucky to make it back to Lira.

We tried but this is why we couldn't get through on day 2 to Chegere ACE.  Isaac will work with them to finish the assessment after I'm gone and when the road conditions improve.

Cooling off at the break with the SURENET group.

Julius from UCA is talking to the group and Stella is the woman with the short who is the Manager of this SACCO.  She's one of 2 women managers that I met.

Matias and Isaac with the group.  You may remember that Isaac is my partner.  Matias is the fellow that I mention later who collapsed in the field and had to be taken to the hospital.

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